Selecting a Patient

Following log on, the Patient Select screen is displayed:


When a patient is selected, their name is displayed to start the breadcrumb.

In the Wound Manager, you can return to the Patient Select screen by clicking on the patient's name in the breadcrumb.

See Navigating in SilhouetteCentral.

Patient details

This summarizes the currently selected patient's details.

If no information is displayed, click on a patient in the patient table.

Patient search fields

Search for a patient by their name or Patient ID or view all assessments in a specific range of dates. See Searching for Patients.

Patient table

The patient table lists patients found in the SilhouetteCentral database.

You can sort the list by clicking on any of the column titles.

Page links

When there are too many patients to display on one screen, the page links at the bottom of the screen allow you to navigate through the patient table.

Create button

See Adding a New Patient.

Edit button

See Editing an Existing Patient's Details.

Delete button

See Deleting a Patient.

Wound Manager button

See Using the Wound Manager.

Export Records button

See Exporting Patient Records.