Searching for Patients

In some SilhouetteCentral screens, you can search for patients by their first name, middle name, last name, or Patient ID. You can also restrict the search to patients that have had an assessment performed within a specific range of dates. All screens with such search functionality operate in a consistent manner as outlined below.

Search box

Enter part of the patient's name or Patient ID, then click on the Search button.

For example, searching for the letters "an" filters the list so that it displays patients whose name or Patient ID contains the letter sequence "an".

Narrow the search further by entering more of a patient's name or Patient ID. If your user account has access to patients in more than one unit and a search does not find the patient you are looking for, you may need to select "Any Unit" within the Within drop down in order to look for patients in units other than the one you logged on to.

Assessments from and to

Select the from and to dates from the popup calendars, then click on the Search button.

You can also type in the date. Specifying a date range will search for patients that have had an assessment made within the specified range. The from and to dates are inclusive.

Search button

Once search criteria have been entered, click to search.

Clear Search button

Click to clear search criteria and display the full list of patients. If visible, the Within drop down will keep its current value.

Alternative Work-flow: Multi-Unit Organizations

For user accounts that have access to patients in more than one unit, the patient search will be restricted to the unit you are currently logged on to. If you wish to view patients in another unit, you must select that unit when you log on. Alternatively, you may set the Within drop-down box to Any Unit. This will display all patients you have access to irrespective of which unit they are currently assigned to. For more on users, groups and units configuration, see Groups, Users, and Units in Silhouette.