Navigating in SilhouetteCentral

Once you have logged on to SilhouetteCentral, your name and unit is shown in the top right-hand corner, and immediately underneath are a set of links:


My Account

Change your account settings such as your name, email address and password. See My Account.


Log Off

Log off from SilhouetteCentral. See Logging Off SilhouetteCentral.



View information about the application. See About Screen.



View information to help you use SilhouetteCentral.


Desktop, Reports and Admin tabs

SilhouetteCentral is divided into a number of distinct sections that allow you to perform different kinds of tasks. Once logged on each section is represented as a tab in the top right hand corner of the browser window.


The main sections are

  • Desktop - allows review, creating or editing of patient data
  • Reports - allows population level aggregate reporting across all patient data
  • Admin - allows system administration activities to be performed


Note: Different users may see a different sub set of tabs. The tabs that are visible depend upon the security permissions associated with your user account and/the which features of SilhouetteCentral have been licensed.

Some SilhouetteCentral screens have breadcrumbs made up of hyperlinks. The hyperlinks in the breadcrumb allow you to move quickly from one part of the application to another. An example is when viewing patient records:

Clicking on the patient name hyperlink returns you to the Patient Select screen. See Selecting a Patient.

Clicking on the wound hyperlink returns you to the Wound Manager for the selected patient. See Using the Wound Manager.

The last part of the breadcrumb indicates the currently selected assessment within the Wound Details screen. This is typically not clickable, however while editing notes you will see a 4th part to the breadcrumb indicating the type of notes being edited, and clicking the assessment date will then return you to the Wound Details screen.

Note that it is possible to use multiple tabs to view SilhouetteCentral, however care should be taken to ensure the correct patient data is being reviewed when using this feature.