Database Export Integration

The Database Export is a licensed feature that allows SilhouetteCentral to automatically run the patient data exports (Exporting Patient Records) with the results stored in an external database.

The Database Export Integration screen allows you configure which of the available exports should be exported, and how often SilhouetteCentral should run these exports.



Enable database export integration

Toggle this check box to enable or disable the feature.


This is the number of minutes between each export run. This must be between 1 and 10080 minutes (7 days).

Export Details

Each available export can be enabled or disabled.

To enable the export, check the check box and fill in the Connection String and Table Name fields. The Connection String defines the external database to connect to, and the Table Name defines the name of the Table inside the database where the export will store the data.

The Connection String must connect to the desired database with sufficient permissions within the external database to be able to create tables.

The table will be dropped (deleted) and recreated each time the export runs.


There are two options for the Connection String (replace brackets <> with required values)

Integrated Security: The connection to the database is made using the users account hosting the SilhouetteCentral website. The Connection string will then be in the form:

DataSource=<name of database server>; Initial Catalog=<name of database>; Integrated Security=True


SQL Server Login: The Connection to the database is made using a SQL Server login with sufficient permissions to create tables. The Connection string will then be in the form:

DatabaseSource=<name of-database server>;Initial Catalog=<name of database>;User ID=<username>;Password=<password>


Save button

Click the Save button to save your changes.

Patient Identifier

When configuring a database export, select the required patient identifier from the dropdown list.

This will be used for all database exports and is dependant on the Patient Identifiers defined within SilhouetteCentral.


Exporting Silhouette Identifiers (primary keys)

To include Silhouette Identifiers (i.e database primary keys) in the database exports, see Include Silhouette Identifiers in Exports