The default method of logging in is Manual Sign-on only, if you have LDAP integration turned on you have two extra modes Automatic and manual sign-on and Automatic sign-on only.
Manual sign-on only
To log on to SilhouetteCentral, navigate to the website address of your SilhouetteCentral instance. The log on screen will appear. Enter the User Name and Password supplied to you. Select Log on. If your user account has access to patients in multiple units you will be prompted to select a unit.
It is important to log on using the User Name and Password assigned to you. Silhouette records the names of users viewing, creating, and modifying patient records, and using the correct user name ensures accurate auditing.
Next time you log on, your last selected unit will be remembered and it will be automatically selected from the list. You can select a different unit if you want.
If you are logged into different units in multiple devices or SilhouetteConnect and SilhouetteCentral at the same time, it will select the last synchronized unit among those at your next logon.
Once you are logged on to SilhouetteCentral, the Patient Select screen will be displayed (see Selecting a Patient).
Many browsers will prompt you to save a User Name and Password for websites you log on to. It is recommended that you do not permit the browser to do so for SilhouetteCentral as doing so means that anyone using your computer can log on, access and potentially modify patient medical records that will be recorded as having been actioned by you.
While logging on to SilhouetteCentral you may occasionally be prompted to change your password if a system administrator has made use of the password expiry features. In this case you will need to pick a new password that meets the password complexity requirements and enter it before SilhouetteCentral will allow you to log on.
Automatic and manual sign-on
You can log into SilhouetteCentral the same way as in Manual sign-on. You can also use your Windows domain user credentials by clicking the link. "Logon using Microsoft Windows domain".
Automatic sign-on only
If this option is enabled you will not be prompted to enter your username and password. If you are using SilhouetteCentral on a machine running Windows the credentials of the logged in user will be used to log in. To log on as a different user then you need to switch which user is logged into Windows. If your user account has access to patients in multiple units you will be prompted to select a unit.
Next time you access SilhouetteCentral, your last selected unit will be remembered and it will automatically select from the list. You can select a different unit if you want. To select a different unit at any time click the current unit name in the top right of the screen.
If you are logging into different units in multiple devices of SilhouetteConnect and SilhouetteCentral at the same time, it will select the last synchronised unit among those at your next logon.
Once you are logged on to SilhouetteCentral, the patient select screen will be displayed.
If Automatic sign-on is enabled the link to My Account and Log Off will be unavailable. If you want to switch units, click on the current unit in the top right and SilhouetteCentral will navigate back to the unit selection screen.