Adding Items to Notes Groups

To add items to a notes group:

1. Click on the group title to select it, the right hand side of the screen will display the current list of items within this group:

2. Click the Add button at the bottom to display a Note Details dialog. The new item's details are displayed .

Item Name

The item name identifies the label that appears within the notes screen within SilhouetteConnect and SilhouetteCental Desktop as well as within PDF reports or CSV patient data exports..

Variable Name

A notes field can be utilized in a number of scenarios as part of a conditional expression. For example conditional validation rules within a notes group may refer to a notes item to determine if the user has correctly filled out the note items. SilhouetteLink can also use a notes item when determining if a wound assessment report should be generated.

In order to be utilized within a conditional expression a notes item must be assigned a unique variable name.A variable name is case insensitive and must start with a letter.


Select a data type from the drop-down list.

The best datatype to choose depends on the type of information users will be entering.

Choices are:

  • Text Items - a free form text box that allows one or more lines of text to be entered by the user.

If Data Type = Text, then Multi-Line is the default with a Max Length of 3000. Click the check box to make Single-Line.

  • Boolean Items - a set of radio buttons that allow the user to record "yes" or "no" answers.
  • Integer Items - a text box that allows a whole number (e.g. -1, 0, 1, 2 or 3) to be entered.
  • Decimal Items - a text box that allows a decimal number (e.g. -1.23, 0, 1.435, 99.99999) to be entered.
  • Date and Date & Time Items - a date (or date/time) picker that allows the user to select a date.
  • List Items - a drop down list that allows the user to select a single item from a list of pre-determined options.
  • MultiList Items - a set of check boxes that allows the user to select one or more items from a list of pre-determined options.

Different fields are required for each of the different datatypes.


A free form text field that can be used to enter a description to help system administrators determine what the intended purpose of this item is.


If the item is a value measured in units, enter the units in the form they are to be displayed.

The value entered in this field will be appended to the Item Name when it is displayed. For example, when an item such as height is defined, the units required are entered in the Units field:

The resulting field is displayed as follows:

Min Value, Max Value, Step, Min Length and Max Length


Depending upon the data type selected certain parameters will be able to be set that ensure the user enters a reasonable value into a field during the data entry process.

  • Min Value / Max Value - Present for integer or decimal items. If specified these control the minimum and maximum values that will be accepted as valid data.
  • Step - Present for integer or decimal items. If specified instead of a text box a drop down list of options will be displayed that the user can pick from. Used in conjunction with min value, max value and unit. For example a Min Value of 10, a Max Value of 50, with unit "%" and a step of 5 would display 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50% options for the user to pick from.
  • Min Length / Max Length - Present for text items only. If specified these control the minimum and maximum number of characters that will be accepted as valid input. E.g. if Min Length is set to 7 this means the user must enter at least 7 characters.

Availability controls

Is Active: If you do not wish the field to appear during the data entry process, click the No button. This can be used to delete an unused item.

Is Required: If you wish the field to be compulsory when entering patient data, click the Yes button.

Is Visible: If you do not wish the field to appear during the data entry process, click the No button.

Is Read-only: When Yes is selected, the note is displayed but is not editable.

Persistence controls

Visit and Wound level note items can optionally be made persistent. This means when a new set of notes is created instead of starting off blank the notes item will by contain the previous value recorded by a user in the previous visit or assessment.

To make a visit or wound level note item persistent enable the Persist Value check box. Optionally a conditional expression can be entered to determine if the previous value should be copied across into the new set of notes. As an example an expression such as "admission_status == 'Admitted'" would copy the notes value across to new set of notes, as long as the admission status notes item had the value Admitted.

Editing Notes Groups for details on the expression syntax.

Update button

Click the Update button to save changes.


List Items

If you create a notes item of type List or Multilist a second panel will appear on the right hand side of the Note Details dialog to allow you to define the list of items that the user should be able to pick from when filling out the notes form within SilhouetteCentral or SilhouetteConnect.


To alter the order the list items are displayed in simply click and drag the items as required.

To add a new list item use the Add Lookup Item button, or to edit an existing list item use the Edit button beside the relevant item. Both buttons will display the Lookup Item dialog, as shown below:



The label that will be displayed to the user when they create notes within SilhouetteCentral or SilhouetteConnect. This is only editable when a new list item is created, once a list item has been added it can not be modified in case the value has already been used within a set of patient notes.


If you make a typo or for some other reason need to replace an existing lookup item, mark the current one as inactive, and create a new replacement lookup item.


The value that will be used within any conditional expression that makes use of this notes item when the user selects this lookup item. If unspecified, i.e. left blank, the value will be the same as the text value entered above.

This feature can be used when multiple distinct values should be selectable by the user but should all be considered similar from the point of view of conditional validation rules etc. For example you may define a notes item to keep track of the patient's admission status and have multiple types of discharge (e.g. sent home, lost to follow-up, deceased) , these could all share the same value "discharged" so validation rule expressions such as

admission_status == 'discharged'

could be written instead of requiring

admission_status == 'sent home'

|| admission_status == 'lost to follow-up'

|| admission_status == 'deceased'

which would need to be constantly updated as new lookup items were introduced etc.


Select No if this list item should no longer be listed as an option when users create new notes.

If the value has been used in previously captured notes when a user edits the notes the value will still appear, however the user will not be able to select it again if they attempt to edit the value of this note item.